Doing Things Together as a Family for Less

Doing Things Together as a Family
…for LE$$

Man and boy

Take advantage of local public resources:

• Spend time together at the park or local community festival.

• Go for hikes or bike rides.

• Go for a family picnic.

• Go swimming at the local pool, lake, ocean, or

• Take advantage of free programs offered by
the library, museums, and community bands
or orchestras, or other free community events.

• Check out books, music, and videos for free
from the library.

Find cheaper entertainment at home:

• Have a family game night.

• Rent or borrow movies, pop some popcorn,
and have a family movie night at home.

• Bake or cook together as a family.

• Read stories to one another.

• Go on evening walks together.

Help your children learn new skills and ideas:

• Teach children how to garden.

• Teach children craft skills you enjoy and
spend time doing these together.

• Teach children about issues that are
important, such as politics, news, the
environment, or others. Are there opportunitites in the community to volunteer as a family for a cause you all believe in?