Advance Directives Case Study 3


Case Study 3 – The disadvantages of writing your own will.


Eddie, age 70, decides to write his …

Advance Directives Case Study 4 North Dakota Answers

Case Study 4 – The surviving spouse’s share

Answers for North Dakota Residents

The following answers are based upon North Dakota law as of January 2006. The
laws in other states may be different. Laws are subject to change, so please ask
your attorney for answers to specific questions.

1. Assume that Joe and Sarah own their home as community property. If Joe’s will leaves the home to their three children, and he dies before Sarah, the children will inherit

Advance Directives Case Study 5


Case Study 5 – How much will each heir inherit?


George, a 98 year-old widower, has two children, Alice …

Advance Directives Case Study 6


Case Study 6 – The dangers of making

Advance Directives Case Studies

Advance Directives Case Studies

Case Study 1 – When is it too soon to honor a living will? When does your health care agent have the authority to make your medical decisions?

Case Study 2 – How do you handle after-death choices? (Organ/tissue donations, autopsy, burial, cremation)

You can also test your knowledge of Advance Directives for Health Care. Take the Quiz for Health Care Advance Directives.

View additional case studies related to estate planning.

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Advance Directives Case Study 1

Return to the Communicate Your Advance Directives for Health Care learning lesson.


Financial Security: Legal Topics

scale of justice


Legal issues that impact financial security include topics such as: property ownership, estate planning, advance directives for health care, and guardianship for minor children.


Advance Directives

Many Americans die without a will or advanced health directives. Several factors are often cited for this lack of preparation. Many people believe that property will pass on to their heirs under state law in a manner they would like. Some just never get around to making specific legal arrangements to protect their survivors. …