Freeing Up Money from Services

Worried man and woman.

Utility Budget Plans

You can work with your service provider so that your monthly bill is based on an average of the previous year’s monthly bills. This is usually called “level billing.”

However, if you exceed the budgeted amount, you could end up owing money at the end of the current year or your fixed payment will increase next year. In some cases, a utility company may make an adjustment during the year, if useage is greatly exceeding the estimated …

What is Your Net Worth?

A net worth statement, sometimes called a financial statement, measures wealth or how much we are worth – at one point in time.




What are your assets? Assets include cash and other items of value that can be converted to cash. Some assets are more difficult than others to convert to cash. Be careful not to overvalue personal belongings, such as televisions and furniture as these often lose value over time.


• How much do you have in cash or …

Things You Can Do When Money Is Short


older couple biking
  • Think about things you have been spending money on that you can do without – movies,magazines, music, gas, sodas, etc.
  • Think about ways to earn money – baby-sitting, pet sitting, mowing lawns, delivering papers, etc.
  • Think about ways to stretch the money your family does have – sew or mend clothing,garden, baby-sit for younger brothers and sisters, prepare meals, etc.
  • Turn off the lights, television, stereo, and other small appliances.
  • Take shorter showers to cut down on the hot

Keeping a Roof Overhead


Keeping a roof overhead is an important concern
when your income drops. If you rank your bills in
order of priority, chances are housing is at or near
the top of the list.

When you are under the financial stress of reduced
or lost income, one of the biggest expenses is
housing. Housing expenses include mortgage or
rent payments, insurance, taxes, household
maintenance and repair, utility bills, furnishings,
and cleaning supplies.

When income drops, careful planning can help you…

Controlling Spending


When the family faces reduced income, take
immediate action to stop all excess spending.
Whether your situation is temporary or extended,
you need to get the most for your money.

Studies have found that many families do not
adjust their lifestyle for about six months after
their income is reduced. That six months of
ignoring the situation can bring disaster. When
you take charge of your financial situation
immediately, you are making a positive
contribution to your family’s well-being …

Accepting Your Feelings


People respond to a personal crisis with many feelings: anger, anxiety, outrage, self doubt. They may be hostile – lashing out at those closest to them. Or, they may become moody and depressed. Their tension may show up as restlessness, loss of appetite, loss of interest in sex, insomnia, and feelings of apathy and exhaustion. While some of these symptoms may be unpleasant, they are normal, predictable reactions of people experiencing a loss or critical change in their lives.…

Having a Spending Plan is Critical

A spending plan or budget is a plan for spending and saving family resources to meet identified goals.

money and records

What is the type of expense?

• Fixed expenses occur on a predetermined
schedule and are for a set amount (such as a car
payment or rent).

• Variable or flexible expenses usually occur on a
predetermined schedule, but may change in
amount (such as a cell phone or utility bill).

• Discretionary expenses are ones that are
totally up to you …

When Prices Rise: Living on Your Income

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An increase in the price of goods and services can be traumatic. When you have to pay more for things like gasoline, food and health care, other difficulties may arise, especially if you are retired and/or are living on a fixed income. Realizing that your income does not go as far as it used to, even in covering the basics, can be alarming.

An increase in the price of one essential product may trigger an increase in the price of …