Investing Unit 5: Action Steps



Image:Check.gif Action Steps – Check each action step as it is completed.

Image:Square.gif Identify fixed-income investments that match your goals and available cash flow.
Image:Square.gif Research these investments and compare at least three specific products (e.g., bond mutual funds). Make a list of financial goals so you can match them with appropriate fixed-income and other investments.
Image:Square.gif Determine your marginal tax bracket to see if tax-exempt investments are a cost-effective option (See Unit 7 for details).
Image:Square.gif Investigate fixed-income investments (e.g., bond funds) available through your employer [e.g., 401(k) plan].
Image:Square.gif Attend an investment seminar sponsored by Cooperative Extension or financial services firms.
Image:Square.gif Reduce household expenses to free up money to invest (See Unit 3 for details).
Image:Square.gif Calculate the percentage of your portfolio allocated to fixed-income investments.