Grab and Go Box

If you live in an area prone to natural disasters that could require evacuation, consider creating a grab-and-go box. Use a durable, sealed waterproof box or backpack. Put in copies of everything that is in your emergency file, and add other important papers:


  • Medical prescriptions, including eyeglasses
  • Copies of children’s immunization records
  • Copies of all insurance cards and policies
  • Copies of the back and front of your credit cards
  • Cash or traveler’s checks for several days of living expenses (credit cards may not work)
  • Rolls of quarters (banks might not be open for several days)
  • List of bills and when they are due
  • Copies of the tax form 1040 for the last three tax years
  • Copies of your home inventory list, which should include everything you own with serial numbers and purchase prices as well as photographs and/or video of these items
  • Copies of any wills, durable powers of attorney, deeds, marriage certificates, military discharge papers, divorce papers and birth certificates

The list of information in the grab-and-go box is so extensive because it is meant to help your family rebuild if your house gets destroyed or you don’t have access to it for a long period of time.