Thrive by Five

Teaching Your Preschooler About Spending and Saving–free activities and other resources for parents who want to encourage healthy attitudes about money in young children.

Thrive by Five (TM): Teaching Your Preschooler About Spending and Saving–free activities and other resources for parents who want to encourage healthy attitudes about money in young children.

Link to: Thrive by Five


mother and child with piggy bank

Teaching Your Preschooler About Spending and Saving (available in both English and Spanish). Children learn about money from many sources. Long before they enter school, they observe adults using money and buying things. They watch television daily and see thousands of commercials each year. Like it or not, money is a part of your preschooler’s life.

What children witness affects their attitudes about what money is for. Some of these beliefs will help them as adult consumers and some will not. For example, they might get the message that saving is important or they might not.

As a parent, you will not be the only influence on what your child learns about using money. But when you teach basic lessons about money, you increase the chance that your child’s values will be similar to yours.

The simple activities and other resources listed to the right, which are parent-and-child tested, are meant to give you ideas for:

  • Teaching how money works and what it can do,
  • Talking about how your family uses money, and
  • Modeling good money management.

You may use the activities at no charge for educational, non-commercial purposes.

More Information:

  • Tips for Teaching Preschoolers About Money
  • Stories About Money for Preschoolers
  • Other Resources
  • What Young Children Can Learn
  • 17 Things a Five-Year-Old Should Know About Money

The Credit Union National Association (in partnership with Cooperative Extension staff and credit union educators) developed Thrive by Five (TM): Teaching Your Preschooler About Spending and Saving–free activities and other resources for parents who want to encourage healthy attitudes about money in young children. Thrive by Five is a set of eight activities (available in both English and Spanish) for parents of preschoolers to begin teaching basic concepts of financial education. These activities, along with informational tips for working with this age group and concepts five year olds should know prior to entering into kindergarten.

Thrive by Five (TM): Enseñándole a su Niño de Edad Preescolar Cómo Gastar y Ahorrar –actividades y otros recursos gratuitos para padres que desean fomentar actitudes saludables sobre el dinero en sus niños pequeños.