What is the family life cycle?

The family life cycle is a series of stages through which a family may pass over time. Typical stages in family development include the periods of a single young adult, a newly married couple, a family with young children, a family with adolescents, launching the children, and a family in later life. The family life cycle emphasizes the effects of marriage, divorce, births, and deaths on families, as well as changes in income, expenses, and assets.

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Wonderful Low Cost Summer Activities for Kids and Families

Kids from behind with fountain in front

Here are a number of wonderful low cost summer activities for kids and families that help families keep their hard-earned money in their pockets.

With each of these ideas, you might fashion “what to do” boxes. Create two boxes – one for “outside” and one for “indoors” – containing index cards with activities written on them. Rotate who in the family gets to pick the card for that day. This is a great way to avoid activities that cost a …